Maundy Thursday

This is Holy Week for most of Christianity. (Orthodox Christians use the Julian Calendar so they will celebrate Easter on May 5 this year.) Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday commemorates the day when Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and gave them a new command: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love … Read more

Easter Weekend

Here are a few posts related to this special weekend: Good Friday Did God Kill His Son? The Shroud of Turin Holy Saturday Easter Sunday   Les BridgemanAfter graduating from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, I served as a high school Bible teacher in Asia. I enjoy traveling, writing, and playing the drums. My latest book focuses … Read more

Easter Sunday: Jesus’ Resurrection in the Gospels

The four Gospels end with an explosion of life. The angel announces, “He has risen!” Mary Magdalene says, “I have seen the Lord.” And the disciples declare, “We have seen the Lord!” Life bursts forth from the tomb. After Good Friday and Holy Saturday comes Easter Sunday. According to Luke, after Jesus died, he appeared for 40 … Read more

Holy Saturday

You are probably aware of Good Friday and Easter Sunday, but have you heard of Holy Saturday? According to Mark’s Gospel, Jesus died Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. Since the Sabbath is Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset, the day of rest would have begun shortly after Jesus breathed his last. For Jews, all … Read more

Good Friday

Jesus experienced an incredible amount of agony before he died. Here’s a list of what he endured, primarily from Mark’s Gospel. He was betrayed by one of his disciples with a kiss. He was “deeply distressed” and “overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death” while praying. He told his disciples to “keep watch” but … Read more

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