Quotes from Kierkegaard

Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) was a writer and philosopher in Denmark, who thought official Christianity had become too complacent. His goal as a writer was the “inward deepening of Christianity.” While he gained some popularity, he also received scorn, including being mocked in the local newspaper. Here are a few of his quotes: “Simply because I … Read more

A Synthesis of Thought: Plato and Kant

One of the hardest classes I ever taught was an introduction to philosophy class called History of Thought. Why was it so difficult? Philosophy, last block of the day (85 minutes), final semester, 25 high school seniors. Plus, I had never taught philosophy. Fortunately, I was saved by my interest in the subject. While preparing … Read more

A Key to Happiness

If we could dissect and analyze a happy life, what would we find? In The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle (384-323 B.C.) asserts that one thing we would find is friends: “no one would choose to live without friends though he should have all the other good things in the world.” Aristotle continues by categorizing the basis … Read more

What is Real? The Search for Ultimate Reality

Have you ever wondered, “Is that for real?” Maybe a magic trick or an illusion caused you to question what you saw. But have you ever thought of that question on a grand scale? Is anything real? What is ultimate reality? How do we know that everything we experience is not a dream? Philosophers and … Read more

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